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Sourdough Discard Pizza Dough

Dough recipe for 6 large personal pizzas:


2 cups warm water

1 tablespoon yeast

1/2 cup sourdough discard

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon honey

1/4 cup olive oil

5-6 cups flour


Add everything to the bowl of a mixer with a dough hook attached. Start with 5 cups of flour and add as needed. The dough should mostly pull away from the sides of the bowl but still feel tacky. Knead for 5 minutes with a dough hook, then separate into 6 equal portions. Cover with a dish towel and let it rise about 30 minutes to 1 hour, just until it’s nice and puffy . Shape into pizzas and add toppings. Bake on a pizza stone at 450 degrees for about 10 minutes.

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